It's been a while since my last post! I'm 33 weeks pregnant with my 8th child, so I'm pretty much busy with children all day long! I've had a few people email and ask if I'm still selling my actions, yes I am! I'm just behind on building a more professional website than this blog. I have a website template that I bought, but the shopping cart just isn't working right for what I need it for. So, I'm hoping once this new baby is born, I can get it all figured out! But for now, you can continue to buy actions from this blog, I'm pretty good about sending them within a 24 hour period after payment. I'm finally done with Christmas shopping. I love the Christmas season, but I don't like the shopping aspect, so I've done most of mine online! My favorite place to shop for kids clothes is The Childrens Place, they always have such cute clothes and it's always affordable. I just got 5 sweaters and 2 matching hats for 33.00! Not bad and I did it all from my comfy chair at my computer, love that! Well, it's late and I can't think of much else to share and my bed is calling my name. Goodnight everyone and have a Merry Christmas!